Privacy Policy

About Our Privacy Policy

Tony Maddox Real Estate recognises the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals when handling their personal information.  We handle personal information about individuals for purposes relating to our functions and activities involving the sale of homes and the rental of a property.

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we handle personal information about individuals for purposes relating to our functions and activities in an open and transparent manner in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.  Personal information includes any information about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

By providing us with your personal information you consent to us handling it in accordance with our Privacy Policy.  If you provide us with any personal information about another individual then we rely upon you to inform that individual of the details contained in our Privacy Policy

Why we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for purposes relating to our functions and activities.  For example, we may collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information for one or more of the following purposes:

  • providing you with our products or services
  • managing our client relationship with you
  • providing you with information about our products and services
  • evaluating or improving our products and services
  • marketing, re-marketing or promoting our products and services
  • complying with our legal or regulatory obligations

What kinds of personal information we collect

The kinds of personal information about you that we may collect and hold include:

  • your personal details including name, contact details, gender, age and personal interests
  • your identity information including date of birth and driver’s license details
  • your product and service information including transaction details

We will not collect any sensitive information about you without your consent unless we are required or authorised by law to collect the information.  Sensitive information includes information about an individual’s health (including information collected about or in providing a health service to the individual), biometrics, genetics, ethnic background, religious beliefs, religious affiliations, philosophical beliefs, professional memberships, trade memberships, political memberships, political opinions, sexual preferences or criminal record.

If we are not provided with the personal information about you which we request then we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

How we collect personal information

We usually collect personal information directly from you in person or when you communicate with us by telephone, email, standard form, letter, online chat, facsimile or other means.  For example, we may collect your personal information directly from you when:

  • you request us to provide you with our products or services
  • you request us to provide you with assistance or support for our products or services
  • you participate in live chat communication via our website
  • you attend a display home and provide contact details
  • you request us to provide you with information about our products, services, functions, activities or events
  • you complete a survey or provide feedback in respect of our products, services, functions, activities or events
  • you subscribe to receive news or other information about our products, services, functions, activities or events
  • you enter our competitions or promotions

We may also collect your personal information from a third party or publicly available source for the purpose of carrying out our functions and activities.  For example, we may collect your personal information from:

  • your authorised representatives in connection with providing you with our products or services or your attendance at or participation in our functions, activities or events
  • our service providers that assist us to carry out our functions and activities including customer support providers, information technology providers, credit report providers, and billing and debt recovery providers
  • government departments and agencies in connection with carrying out our functions and activities

How we disclose personal information

We disclose personal information to third parties for the purpose of carrying out our functions and activities.  For example, we may disclose your personal information to:

  • your authorised representatives in connection with providing you with our products or services or your attendance at or participation in our functions, activities or events
  • our service providers that assist us to carry out our functions and activities including customer support providers, information technology providers, printing and mailing providers, sales and marketing providers, credit report providers, and billing and debt recovery providers
  • our professional advisers including accountants, auditors and lawyers
  • our related companies, agents, partners, affiliates and other trusted entities that assist us to carry out our functions and activities
  • government departments and agencies in connection with carrying out our functions and activities

The third parties to which we may disclose your personal information may be located in Australia or other countries.

We will not disclose your personal information to any third parties for any other purpose without your consent except where required or authorised by law.  For example, we will not sell, trade or rent your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your consent.

How we use personal information for direct marketing

  1. From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with current information about real estate, offers you may find of interest, changes to our organisation, or new products or services being offered by us or any company with whom we are associated.
  2. If you do not wish to receive marketing information, you may at any time decline to receive such information by telephoning us on 089574 2917 or by emailing us using
  3. If the direct marketing is by email you may also use the unsubscribe function. We will not charge you for giving effect to your request and will take all reasonable steps to meet your request at the earliest possible opportunity.

How we hold and protect personal information

We hold personal information that we collect in both physical and electronic storage facilities including paper-based files, computer servers, desktop and laptop computers, tablets, mobile phones and other portable data storage devices.

We protect personal information which we hold from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure using both physical and electronic security measures which include secure premises, secure databases, password access, anti-virus software and firewalls.

If we hold any personal information that we no longer need for any purpose for which we may use or disclose the information then we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the information unless we are required by law to retain the information.

Access to your personal Information

You can find out what personal information we have about you, and amend or update your personal information, by emailing using the below or by telephoning us (contact details are provided at the beginning of this Statement).

We may charge a fee for our actual costs of retrieving and supplying the information to you, including staff costs in locating and retrieving the personal information, staff costs in reproducing and send the personal information, costs of postage etc.

Depending on the type of request that you make we may respond to your request immediately, otherwise we usually respond to you within seven days of receiving your request.  We may need to contact other entities to properly investigate your request. 

How to make an enquiry or complaint

If you have an enquiry or complaint about our handling of your personal information, please contact us using the contact details below.  A complaint about our handling of your personal information should first be made in writing to us setting out details of your complaint.  Our Principal is responsible for dealing with all enquiries and complaints about our handling of personal information and will respond on our behalf within a reasonable time after receiving an enquiry or complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint then you may take your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner which may be contacted using the contact details below:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Phone:    1300 363 992
Address:  GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW 2001

How we update our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy from may be changed from time to time to take into account changes to our information handling practices by publishing an updated version of our Privacy Policy on our Website.  You should regularly review the most recent version of our Privacy Policy available on our Website.

Retargeting with the Facebook Pixel

Third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from visitors to our website and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. This includes your interaction with our Facebook properties. You have the ability to opt out of these various mechanisms by visiting the WebChoices Consumer Choice Tool. For more information about how Facebook manages or uses your data, you can visit their Privacy page.

How to contact us

You may contact our Principal using the contact details below:

Tony Maddox Real Estate
Ph: 089574 2917 or Email:
Address: 100 Stirling Terrace, Toodyay WA 6566

This Privacy Policy is effective as of December 2019.